Re-charging at LJSP


Since late 2018, park visitors to the Paddy’s Creek Area have been presented with a curious pair of objects standing sentinel at the west end of the parking lot. Some folks have mistakenly tried to fill up their tires with air and some have parked beside them with the idea of vacuuming out their vehicles. Although the objects can’t help drivers with those maintenance chores, they can certainly make life a lot easier for folks who have joined the electric car craze.

Recognizing the reality of electric vehicles and the growing role they have in society, the Duke Energy Foundation awarded the N.C. Department of Parks and Recreation with a $30,000 grant to install charging stations at three western parks; Lake Norman, Crowders Mountain and Lake James.

It remains to be seen how much use they’ll get, but as electric vehicles become more mainstream, it’s nice to know drivers have a place to re-charge at their favorite state park.

NewsMolly Sandfoss